Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
How Much Does Your Dream Life Cost?
Do You Know How Much Your Dream Life Costs? Figuring out how much your dream life costs is a very important step on the road to success that many entrepreneurs often skip. On a recent Facebook post, I talked about goal clarity sharing how being precise and being clear is important. I highly recommend that…
My Perfect Day
What Is Your Perfect Day? So, today we did this exercise where we were challenged to figure out exactly what we want in life — what is the reason why we’re even building a business in the first place. (And by “we” I mean our entrepreneur group). Anyway, the way we were instructed to help…
Three Original Thoughts I’ve Had As An Entrepreneur
Three Original Thoughts I’ve Had In My Walk As An Entrepreneur I wanted to share, very quickly, three original thoughts I’ve had in my walk as an entrepreneur. You see, critical thinking is one of those things that I value and practice. In fact I keep an idea log. I’ll sit with a pen and…
The Value In Creating Results First
The Value in Creating Results In business, we know that there is value in creating results, but is there more to it than just being able to accumulate “stuff”; money, assets, resources, and so on. I think there is, but not for the reasons most people assume. In recent months I’ve noticed a trend that…
Mindset: You Are A Business
You Are A Business You are a business. When I learned this simple concept, that mindset changed the way I viewed myself, and ultimately helped me to make more money. What do I mean when I say, you are a business? Earlier today I listened to a programmer rant about how he’s worried about clients…
Ultimate Human Resources (Tony Robbins)
Ultimate Human Resources – Learning Through Failure What are the ultimate human resources? To ask a different question: What is the reason behind our failure, whether it’s in business, in relationships or otherwise? I’ll tell you. The reason why most people fail is because they failed to leverage the ultimate human resources. But what are…
Got any book recommendations?